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You might be looking for one of these cards: Metamorphosis (Core), Metamorphosis (Hero Power), Metamorphosis (removed).

Metamorphosis is a legendary demon hunter spell card, from the Ashes of Outland set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsOpen one of these card packs:
Ashes of Outland Pack
Year of the Phoenix Pack
Wild Pack
Golden Wild
Golden Year of the Phoenix Pack
1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 DustRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 DustGolden1

Related cards

BT 429p2
BT 429p


To edit these notes, go to Template:Metamorphosis notes.

  • Metamorphosis will remember whatever hero power you had before casting the spell, and will always return to your most recent hero power other than another Demonic Blast.[1]
  • Multiple casts of Metamorphosis do not stack. Each cast will only set the hero power back to the first Demonic Blast with two uses left.
  • Stealing the hero power with Descent of DragonsGrizzled Wizard and using the last charge will revert the player to whatever hero power the opponent initially had before casting Metamorphosis. Copying it with The Grand TournamentSideshow Spelleater will return the player to the opponent's original hero power once the charges run out.[2]


Metamorphosis is an iconic demon hunter ability. It allows the user to temporarily become a demon, empowering them for its duration. It first appeared in Warcraft III as the ultimate ability of the Demon Hunter.

It first appeared in World of Warcraft as a warlock ability. However, it was removed and redesigned when Demon Hunters became playable in Legion. This version of the ability was split into two spells, with Havoc demon hunters growing the iconic wings and shadowy aura, and Vengeance demon hunters becoming tougher to kill and growing spikes on their body (much like this card's artwork).

This card's actual effect most closely resembles its Warcraft III incarnation, which replaced the demon hunter's melee attacks with high-damaged ranged bolts of chaos.


  • Several Demon Hunter skins have interactions with Metamorphosis.


    Patch changes

    External links

  • PlayHearthstone
  • HSReplay.net
  • Hearthpwn
  • References[]

    1. Chadd Nervig on Twitter. (2020-03-26). 
    2. Letos (29.04.2021). Sideshow Spelleater copies Demonic Blast. YouTube. Retrieved on 29.04.2021.