Hearthstone Wiki
Gentle Megasaur
Minion type:Beast
Cost:4 Mana icon
Attack:5 Attack icon
Health:4 Health
Abilities:Adapt, Battlecry
Wiki tags:Murloc-related
Artist:Brian Despain
Battlecry: Adapt your Murlocs.
External links

Data page

Gentle Megasaur is a tier 6 minion in the Battlegrounds game mode.


Gentle Megasaur is the endgame goal for every Murloc build, giving all Murlocs a substantial buff. While Journey to Un'GoroFlaming Claws, Journey to Un'GoroRocky Carapace, and Journey to Un'GoroVolcanic Might give marginal stat increases, it's Journey to Un'GoroCrackling Shield and Journey to Un'GoroPoison Spit that are highly coveted, turning your Murlocs into extremely resilient insta-kill murder machines, which no other tribes can compare. Journey to Un'GoroLiving Spores is a runner-up choice, good for combating Divine Shields and diverting attacks. Journey to Un'GoroMassive is useful if you have non-Murloc minions you want to protect (usually for mixed builds) or want to further boost your stats with Strongshell Scavenger, and Journey to Un'GoroLightning Speed is dependent on your opponent's composition and your own buffs, such as if you want to give a Poisonous Murloc more chances to break through a huge Taunt minion or allow a Divine Shielded Murloc to make better trades.

This is one of the best Battlecries to double with Brann Bronzebeard by far, as it gives double the chance to get the coveted Poisonous Spit and Crackling Shield Adaptations while also offering a small chance to get both at once, or even combine one of the two with Lightning Speed.


Gentle Megasaur full

Gentle Megasaur, full art

Patch changes
