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You might be looking for one of these cards: Fandral Staghelm (Core).

Fandral Staghelm is a legendary druid minion card, from the Whispers of the Old Gods set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsOpen one of these card packs:
Whispers of the Old Gods Pack
Wild Pack
Golden Wild
1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 DustRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 DustGolden1

Generated minions

When a card with two Choose One options involving transform effects is played while controlling Fandral Staghelm, a unique minion will be produced that combines the effects of both options.

Druid of the Claw
Druid of the Flame
Druid of the Saber
Druid of the Swarm
Druid of the Scythe
Wardruid Loti
Msshi'fn Prime
Druid of the Reef
Resulting minions
Druid of the Claw
Druid of the Flame
Druid of the Saber
Druid of the Swarm
Druid of the Scythe
Wardruid Loti
Fungal Gargantuan
Druid of the Reef


To edit these notes, go to Template:Fandral Staghelm notes.

Fandral Staghelm visual effect

A leafy green visual effect highlights playable Choose One cards while Fandral is active

  • When the controlling player activates a Choose One effect, as a rule, effects will be activated in the order stated on the card.[1] However, often when the reverse order would be specifically more beneficial to the player, that order will be used instead:
  • Fandral Staghelm will cause Choose One cards with a choice of two damaging effects to deal two separate damage events. (As of Knights of the Frozen Throne, this applies to only two cards: LegacyWrath and LegacyStarfall). Both damage events are handled independently, but no death processing occurs in between.[3]
    • Example: Casting LegacyStarfall on an Whispers of the Old GodsInfested Tauren with Fandral in play first deals 5 damage to the Infested Tauren, leaving it mortally wounded, but its death will only be processed (and its Deathrattle triggered) after the second damage phase. The summoned Slime is not hit by the second damage phase and survives.
    • Example: When casting LegacyStarfall with both Fandral and a LegacyKobold Geomancer in play, the Spell Damage will apply to both damage events, making the spell deal 6 damage to the target and 3 damage to all enemy minions.
    • Example: When casting LegacyWrath on a LegacySilvermoon Guardian with Fandral in play, the first damage event will remove the Divine Shield and the second damage event will actually deal its 1 point of damage, leaving the Silvermoon Guardian at 2 Health.
    • Example: Casting LegacyWrath on an LegacyAcolyte of Pain with Fandral in play causes the controlling player to draw two cards. The first damage event deals 3 damage and leaves the Acolyte mortally wounded, but its death is not resolved so it incurs one extra point of damage and draw one extra card from the second damage event.
    • Example: Casting LegacyWrath on a Blackrock MountainGrim Patron that has been buffed to at least 5 Health causes two new Grim Patrons to spawn, since both damage events deal damage without killing the Patron.
      • The sole exception is Rise of ShadowsCrystal Power, which fully resolves the damage before attempting to heal. This is likely so that the spell can still be used to destroy minions.
  • Choose One cards with targeted effects will use the same target for both effects. For example, LegacyWrath will deal both damage events to the same minion, as opposed to dealing 3 damage to one minion and 1 damage to another. Likewise, LegacyKeeper of the Grove will both Silence and deal 2 damage to the same minion.[2]
  • Choose One minions that transform minions use the highest Attack and Health values of all transformations while combining their effects. Unlike the above examples, which activate both effects to effectively double the value of the card, it's arguable that a card like Druid of the Flame, due to its wording, should combine the stats of both transformation creating a 7/7 as opposed to a 5/5. This is an additional wording issue to Transform cards that has been debated in the Hearthstone community since release.
  • Fandral Staghelm will cause Choose One spells picked by Whispers of the Old GodsYogg-Saron, Hope's End to have their combined effect.[4]
  • Rise of ShadowsKeeper Stalladris works normally while you control Fandral. The spell cast has both effects combined, and choices will be added after.[5]
  • Spells with target restrictions on one choice and no restrictions on the other can be cast normally, but if cast on an illegal target, the effects will not be combined.
    • Example When casting Rise of ShadowsCrystal Power on a hero, it will deal no damage and still restore 5 Health. If cast on a minion, both effects will be combined as usual.


  • ▶️ VO_OG_044_Male_NightElf_Play_02.wav Behold, the rage of the Firelands.
  • ▶️ Staghelm_Play_Stinger.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ VO_OG_044_Male_NightElf_Attack_02.wav Nothing but ash!
  • ▶️ VO_OG_044_Male_NightElf_Death_01.wav <death sound>
Alternative summon (When the enemy hero is Hero SkinsTyrande Whisperwind)


Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
Fandral Staghelm was formerly the Archdruid of Darnassus, succeeding Hero SkinsMalfurion Stormrage after he was lost in the Emerald Nightmare. He was in a constant power struggle with Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priestess of Elune, for leadership of the night elf people, and was one of the architects of the plan to create Teldrassil. After it was revealed that he had been corrupted by the LegacyNightmare himself and had prolonged Malfurion's absence, Fandral eventually descended into madness and was to be imprisoned by the Cenarion Circle. He was captured when he was being moved to Moonglade from Mount Hyjal and turned into the first Blackrock MountainDruid of the Flame, becoming the new Majordomo of the Firelands, until he is killed during the final battle against Ragnaros.



Fandral Staghelm full

Fandral Staghelm, full art

Druid of the Flame - WoW

Fandral Staghelm, as the Majordomo of the Firelands in the Firelands raid.

Patch changes

  • Knights of the Frozen Throne logo Patch (2017-08-08):
    • Fixed a bug where damaging effects (e.g. LegacyWrath and LegacyStarfall) were combined into one instance of damage, rather than dealing damage twice. This meant that Spell Damage was only applied once, not twice. (Source)
    • Fixed a bug where using LegacyStarfall on a friendly minion dealt 7 damage instead of 5. (The spell's effects of 5 damage to target minion and 2 damage to all enemy minions were combined into 7 damage to target then 2 to all other enemy minions - but they forgot to handle the case where Starfall's target is friendly, not enemy.) (Source)
    • In order to accomodate for Knights of the Frozen ThroneMalfurion the Pestilent's Knights of the Frozen ThronePlague Lord Hero Power, Fandral Staghelm now reads: Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined. Furthermore, damage-dealing Choose One cards are now processed as two separate damage events; previously they were combined into a single event.
  • Whispers of the Old Gods logo Patch (2016-04-24):
    • Added.


  1. Stated during official reveal stream, 2016-04-21
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mike Donais on Reddit. (2016-04-22). Retrieved on 2016-04-24.
  3. Disguised Toast: Testing New Interactions + Planning for Frozen Throne + Random Stuff. (2017-08-08). 
  4. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/20743694529
  5. Peter Whalen on Twitter. (2019-03-26). 