Hearthstone Wiki

Tags and hidden tags are card labels used in this wiki to organize cards into categories. Tags are viewable in the infobox, while hidden tags are not. Tags are used in conjunction with ability labels to categorize cards.

This page provides easy access for viewing all tags used to describe cards found in this wiki, whether collectible or uncollectible. This is intended to be used as a source of information for tagging new cards, and for pruning/purging scarcely-used tags if needed.

See also: Template:Card_infobox/doc#Adding_tags


The following are some general guidelines on how to categorize cards with tags:

  • "-related" tags are used on:
    • Cards which affect the thing being related to.
    • Cards which are affected by the thing being related to.
  • "-generating" tags are used on:
    • Cards which generate the generated thing.
  • "-granting" tags are used on:
    • Cards which grant the ability being referred to.

On rare occasions, these tags may be used together on one card.

Manually categorized tags

This is a list of most but not all of the tags and hidden tags obtained from the auto-generated lists (see below) and manually categorized to be more human-readable. Refer to the auto-generated lists for all abilities, tags, and hidden tags used in this wiki.


These tags are related to a targeting effect.


These tags are related to game "effects".


These tags are related to card abilities such as Taunt, Deathrattle, and Battlecry.





These tags are related to card attributes such as Class, Mana, and Health.


  • Attack-related
  • Combat-related (combat is like a minion ability, though it applied to all minions, and it requires an attack attribute to function, and this is also a type of triggered effect, but for now classifying as an attribute-related tag)

Card type

These tags are related to card types, such as Quests.

Card type-generated

Card type-generating

Card type-related

Minion type

These tags are related to minion types such as Beasts, Demons, and Dragons.

Minion type-generating

Minion type-related


These tags are related to the different card zones that are used in the game.


Auto-generated lists

This is an auto-generated list of all abilities, tags, and hidden tags used in this wiki, for reference.


These are abilities shown in card infoboxes.


These tags are shown in card infoboxes.

Hidden tags

These tags are not shown in card infoboxes.

  • Book of Heroes
  • Boss battles
  • Boss cards
  • Boss Hero Powers
  • Choice cards
  • Cost-affected
  • Cost-related - other cards
  • Modify cost - other cards
  • Player's cards
  • Player's Hero Powers
  • Player's heroes
  • Set cost
  • Targeted - character
  • Targeted - enemy minion
  • Targeted - friendly minion
  • Targeted - minion
  • Triggered effect - after this minion attacks
  • Triggered effect - after you cast a spell
  • Triggered effect - after you play a minion
  • Triggered effect - after you play a spell
  • Triggered effect - at the end of your turn
  • Triggered effect - at the start of your turn
  • Triggered effect - whenever your hero takes damage
