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You might be looking for one of these cards: Battlegrounds/Snake Trap, Snake Trap (Classic), Snake Trap (Core).

Snake Trap is an epic hunter spell card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsOpen one of these card packs:
Classic Pack
Golden Classic Pack
Wild Pack
Golden Wild
1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 400 DustRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 1600 DustGolden1

Related cards

EX1 554t


To edit these notes, go to Template:Snake Trap notes.

  • Each player can only have 7 minions on their side of the battlefield at any time. If this Secret tries to summon Snakes beyond this limit, any excess Snakes will be lost. It will not trigger if the board is full.[1]
  • Snake Trap triggers on the same step in the attack sequence as LegacyFreezing Trap, LegacyMisdirection, LegacyExplosive Trap, Forgetful effects, and several other Secrets. Therefore, all such effects occur in order of play.
    • For instance, if Snake Trap is played before Freezing Trap, its Snakes will be created first and may activate a LegacyKnife Juggler which kills the attacker, preventing Freezing Trap from activating after all.[2]
  • Unlike Misdirection and Freezing Trap, Snake Trap will activate normally even if the attacker is neutralized by another effect before Snake Trap activates.
    • For instance, if Snake Trap is played after Freezing Trap, an attacker might be returned to the hand but still cause the snakes to be summoned. If those snakes trigger a Knife Juggler, the knives cannot hit the returned attacker.


Snake Trap is a glyphed hunter ability which places a trap at the target location. When triggered, it releases several venomous snakes which will move toward and attack nearby targets, applying a Crippling Poison that reduces movement speed. The snakes last for up to 15 seconds before expiring.


  • The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Servants of the Betrayer" series, for the card Snake Trap.
  • The flavour text "Why did it have to be snakes?" is a quotation from the movie Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
  • Gallery

    Patch changes

    External links

  • PlayHearthstone
  • HSReplay.net
  • Hearthpwn
  • OutOf.Cards
  • References[]
