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Sherazin, Corpse Flower is a legendary rogue minion card, from the Journey to Un'Goro set.

How to get

Card packsOpen one of these card packs:
Journey to Un'Goro Pack
Wild Pack
Golden Wild
1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 DustRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 DustGolden1

Generated cards[]

Sherazin, Seed


To edit these notes, go to Template:Sherazin, Corpse Flower notes.


Sherazin, Seed with 3 out of 4 cards played

  • Sherazin's dormant state is a permanent card, meaning that it is untargetable and immune to all external effects. For details, see Permanent.
  • The phrase "Go dormant" in the card text suggests Sherazin doesn't really "die". However, triggering Sherazin's Deathrattle still counts as a death event, for the purposes of cards such as N'Zoth.
  • If Sherazin's Deathrattle is triggered before dying from normal causes, the living Sherazin will be replaced by the dormant seed. It will not create an additional Sherazin.[1]
Example: Sherazin is played with only Journey to Un'GoroSpiritsinger Umbra on the battlefield. Its Deathrattle triggers, turning it dormant, and the player is left with the Spiritsinger and Sherazin, Seed on the battlefield.
  • Any minion with Sherazin's Deathrattle will transform into a Sherazin, Seed dormant permanent upon death, which will then turn into an unmodified copy of Sherazin, Corpse Flower upon revival.
Example: The League of ExplorersUnearthed Raptor copies Sherazin's Deathrattle. The seed spawned by the Raptor will grow into a new Sherazin.[2]
Example: One Night in KarazhanBarnes summons a 1/1 copy of Sherazin, Corpse Flower. The seed spawned by this copy will grow into a normal 5/3 Sherazin.
  • Sherazin, Seed has a triggered effect, but does not show the usual lightning bolt icon; instead, the card displays four leaves which light up as the controlling player plays cards.
  • Sherazin is exhausted when revived and cannot attack immediately.[3]
  • Sherazin, Seed triggers (and transforms, if it's the 4th trigger in the turn) in the After Play Phase of the played card, which follows most other effects such as spell effects and Battlecries.
Example: You cast LegacyVanish as your fourth card. All minions are returned to the hand, not including Sherazin, Seed, which is a permanent. Then Sherazin revives, becoming a minion on the board.[4]
  • Spells countered by LegacyCounterspell will not count as a card for Sherazin, since the card playing sequence is aborted before reaching its trigger phase.[5]
  • Likely due to a bug, cards that transform as they come into play, such as LegacyFaceless Manipulator or those affected by Mean Streets of GadgetzanPotion of Polymorph, cause Sherazin to count an additional card played. If a self-transformer is played into Potion of Polymorph, it transforms twice and counts as 3 cards![6]
  • When both Sherazin and Mean Streets of GadgetzanGetaway Kodo are in play, their interaction when Sherazin is killed depends on the order in which the cards are played. If Sherazin was played first, then its Deathrattle resolves first and transforms the dead Sherazin into a dormant Sherazin, Seed; this "cancels" the death of Sherazin so Getaway Kodo will not trigger anymore. On the other hand, if Getaway Kodo was played first, then the secret triggers first and returns Sherazin to your hand, where it can not go dormant. Neither sequence of events result in a duplication of the card.[7]


  • ▶️ SherazinCorpseFlower_UNG_065_Play.wav <summon sound>
  • ▶️ Troll_Play_Stinger_7.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ SherazinCorpseFlower_UNG_065_Attack.wav <attack sound>
  • ▶️ SherazinCorpseFlower_UNG_065_Death.wav <death sound>


Sherazin is original to Hearthstone. It is a form of plant that doesn't truly die upon being "killed", instead curling up and turning itself into a seed until it is ready to re-emerge.[8]

Sherazin was promoted through an appearance in World of Warcraft before its Hearthstone release. Sherazin appears as an elite mob during the Un'Goro Madness micro-holiday in World of Warcraft, where it is depicted as a giant lasher. The boss's abilities include a dormant phase, during which it regenerates, immune to players' attacks, but sending out regular pulses of unavoidable damage; players can avoid this by standing next to large crystal spines spawned during the phase.

It's unclear whether Sherazin is male or female, or if its sex is even relevant as a plant. Designers have used both sexes to refer to Sherazin in interviews.[9]


Sherazin, Corpse Flower changed quite a bit during development. At one point it had a lower cost, and at another time more stats with only three cards required for its triggered effect. Ultimately the card requirement was increased to four to make it "a little bit build-around", encouraging players to consider synergistic cards for their decks. It also wasn't initially known how Sherazin would work from a UI perspective. One idea was to have the seed sit near the player's Hero Power, but eventually the UI team came up with the solution of treating it as a permanent on the board.[9]


Sherazin, Corpse Flower full

Sherazin, Corpse Flower, full art

Sherazin WoW

Sherazin in World of Warcraft.


Sherazin's unique triggered effect icon


Trigger 2


Trigger 3


Trigger 4

Patch changes

  • Ashes of Outland logoPatch (2020-03-26):
    • Now reads: "Deathrattle: Go Dormant. Play 4 cards in a turn to revive this minion." (prveiously: "Deathrattle: Go dormant. Play 4 cards in a turn to revive this minion.")
  • Journey to Un'Goro logo Patch (2017-06-01)
    • No longer counts transform minions, such as Journey to Un'GoroShellshifter, twice when dormant.
  • Journey to Un'Goro logo Patch (2017-04-04):
    • Added.

