Hearthstone Wiki

A remove from game effect causes cards to be removed entirely from the game. Removing cards from the game is different to discarding or destroying them, as cards that are removed from the game don't activate any on-discard effects and don't count as having died that game.


Remove from deck[]

Remove from deck is the most common remove from game effect. A remove from deck effect causes cards to be removed directly from the player's deck, without entering their hand. Removed cards are taken from the top of the deck, and are revealed to both players. Attempting to draw a card when the hand is already full ("overdrawing") results in the card being removed from the deck.

Remove from deck effects are very similar to discard effects, but are not treated as such for game purposes. For example, they will not trigger discard-related effects such as The Grand TournamentTiny Knight of Evil, or The Grand TournamentFist of Jaraxxus. The key distinction is that discard effects remove cards from the hand, while remove from deck effects remove cards from the deck.

Remove from deck effects never cause fatigue.[1] This is because they do not actually draw cards, but simply remove them.[2]

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Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BAR 913
ICC 407
RLK 120
ETC 085t
SCH 517
SCH 355
ICC 911
BAR 911
RLK 214
TTN 455
ICC 314t3
GVG 016
TRL 409
ETC 071
SCH 704
REV 946
SCH 343
ICC 314t2
DRG 037
UNG 840
ICC 701
DMF 118
DMF 118t
RLK 071
DAL 736
ONY 005
TRL 246
TSC 209
LOOT 415t6
MAW 034

Remove from hand[]

A remove from hand effect causes cards to be removed directly from a player's hand. This is different to discarding in the following ways:

  • Cards removed from the hand don't activate any on-discard effects.
  • Cards removed from the hand aren't always revealed to the opponent.
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Swipe left or right to see the cards.
RLK 570t3
RLK 570t2
RLK 570t5
RLK 570t4
RLK 570t1
TID 718
DRG 037
ICC 701
WC 030
RLK 071
TSC 209

Remove from game[]

Some cards are removed from the game from zones other than the hand or deck, such as the battlefield.

Removing cards from the battlefield is different to destroying them in the following ways:

  • Cards removed from the battlefield don't appear in resurrection pools.
  • Cards removed from the battlefield don't count as being destroyed, therefore don't activate any Deathrattles or other death-related effects.
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Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TTN 429t2
TTN 960t2
REV 828
MAW 013
TTN 429
RLK 919
TTN 960
YOD 009


  1. Zeriyah on Twitter. (2014-12-04). 
  2. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-12-05). 