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You might be looking for one of these cards: Professor Slate.

Professor Slate is a hunter hero the player can choose in Duels.

Hero Powers

After choosing Professor Slate, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power.

Icon MercWorkshop
THIS IS THE OLD WIKI. There will be outdated information. See this page in the new wiki
PVPDR SCH Hunterp1
PVPDR DMF Hunterp1

Signature Treasures

After choosing their Hero Power, the player can choose one of these following Signature Treasures to be added to the starting deck.

Icon MercWorkshop
THIS IS THE OLD WIKI. There will be outdated information. See this page in the new wiki
PVPDR SCH Huntert2
PVPDR DMF Huntert2

Loot buckets[]

After a round, the player can choose one of three loot buckets, each of which includes either three cards or none, and add them into their current Duels deck.

A list of loot buckets for Hunter can be found below:

AHHHH RATS!!!! Auction House Barrens Chat Battlecries and Combos Beasts Big Friends Bruisers Cult of C'Thun Deathly Minions Deathrattle Dragons Draw! Followers Hero Power Little Bites Live to Win Mischief Makers Sacrifice Shock Troops Taunt The Best Defense... To the Front! Traps and Trappers Underlings Why? Why Not?
United in StormwindDevouring Swarm United in StormwindPeasant Forged in the BarrensMeeting Stone Knights of the Frozen ThroneAcherus Veteran Forged in the BarrensSerpentbloom LegacyFaceless Manipulator Kobolds & CatacombsZola the Gorgon Whispers of the Old GodsBeckoner of Evil Scholomance AcademyCarrion Studies Mean Streets of GadgetzanMistress of Mixtures LegacyFaerie Dragon Madness at the Darkmoon FaireSafety Inspector The WitchwoodBaleful Banker The Grand TournamentGarrison Commander Scholomance AcademyAdorable Infestation United in StormwindElwynn Boar LegacyAcidic Swamp Ooze NaxxramasHaunted Creeper Saviors of UldumBeaming Sidekick Ashes of OutlandBonechewer Brawler LegacyArcane Shot Scholomance AcademyAnimated Broomstick Madness at the Darkmoon FaireMystery Winner LegacyAbusive Sergeant Knights of the Frozen ThroneSnowflipper Penguin
United in StormwindLeatherworking Kit United in StormwindAuctioneer Jaxon Forged in the BarrensFar Watch Post Scholomance AcademyAnimated Broomstick Scholomance AcademyAdorable Infestation Madness at the Darkmoon FaireFleethoof Pearltusk Knights of the Frozen ThroneCobalt Scalebane Whispers of the Old GodsTwilight Geomancer Whispers of the Old GodsFiery Bat NaxxramasZombie Chow Rastakhan's RumbleFiretree Witchdoctor Scholomance AcademySphere of Sapience The Boomsday ProjectAugmented Elekk Scholomance AcademyManafeeder Panthara Whispers of the Old GodsFiery Bat United in StormwindPeasant LegacyCrazed Alchemist NaxxramasNerubian Egg Kobolds & CatacombsDire Mole Mean Streets of GadgetzanDirty Rat Kobolds & CatacombsCandleshot One Night in KarazhanArcane Anomaly LegacySecretkeeper Knights of the Frozen ThroneAcherus Veteran United in StormwindFlightmaster Dungar
Rise of ShadowsEVIL Cable Rat United in StormwindEnthusiastic Banker Forged in the BarrensDevouring Ectoplasm Saviors of UldumBeaming Sidekick Kobolds & CatacombsDire Mole Scholomance AcademyLake Thresher CoreOverlord Runthak Whispers of the Old GodsDisciple of C'Thun Knights of the Frozen ThronePlay Dead NaxxramasHaunted Creeper One Night in KarazhanNetherspite Historian LegacyBloodmage Thalnos Rastakhan's RumbleDrakkari Trickster Rastakhan's RumbleWaterboy Journey to Un'GoroJeweled Macaw United in StormwindGolakka Glutton Scholomance AcademyCult Neophyte Ashes of OutlandTeron Gorefiend Scholomance AcademyIntrepid Initiate LegacySunfury Protector Scholomance AcademyDemon Companion United in StormwindElwynn Boar Voyage to the Sunken CityUrchin Spines Scholomance AcademyAnimated Broomstick Murder at Castle NathriaMurloc Holmes
Mean Streets of GadgetzanRat Pack United in StormwindImpatient Shopkeep Forged in the BarrensMankrik Murder at Castle NathriaDredger Staff Whispers of the Old GodsFiery Bat NaxxramasLoatheb CoreTaelan Fordring Whispers of the Old GodsTwilight Elder Rise of ShadowsShimmerfly LegacyLoot Hoarder Blackrock MountainBlackwing Technician LegacyLoot Hoarder Rise of ShadowsFaceless Rager Mean Streets of GadgetzanAuctionmaster Beardo Journey to Un'GoroRaptor Hatchling United in StormwindNobleman Mean Streets of GadgetzanDirty Rat Knights of the Frozen ThroneArfus Saviors of UldumMurmy NaxxramasDeathlord Descent of DragonsDwarven Sharpshooter CoreEmerald Skytalon The Grand TournamentBear Trap LegacyArgent Squire Knights of the Frozen ThroneArfus
United in StormwindStormwind Piper United in StormwindRustrot Viper Forged in the BarrensMor'shan Watch Post Kobolds & CatacombsGravelsnout Knight Ashes of OutlandHelboar Madness at the Darkmoon FaireMoonfang United in StormwindBattleground Battlemaster Whispers of the Old GodsC'Thun's Chosen NaxxramasWebspinner NaxxramasNerubian Egg LegacyBrightwing Scholomance AcademyManafeeder Panthara Kobolds & CatacombsZola the Gorgon The WitchwoodBlackwald Pixie Rastakhan's RumbleSpringpaw United in StormwindNorthshire Farmer LegacyDoomsayer Journey to Un'GoroSpiritsinger Umbra LegacyWorgen Infiltrator Ashes of OutlandOverconfident Orc Whispers of the Old GodsFiery Bat Fractured in Alterac ValleyIrondeep Trogg Madness at the Darkmoon FaireBola Shot Scholomance AcademyIntrepid Initiate Kobolds & CatacombsThe Darkness
United in StormwindRodent Nest United in StormwindTraveling Merchant Forged in the BarrensCrossroads Watch Post Fractured in Alterac ValleyIvus, the Forest Lord Journey to Un'GoroJeweled Macaw CoreTaelan Fordring LegacyBaron Geddon Whispers of the Old GodsCrazed Worshipper Goblins vs GnomesFeign Death Kobolds & CatacombsPlated Beetle Descent of DragonsScalerider LegacyNat Pagle Whispers of the Old GodsFaceless Shambler Descent of DragonsBlowtorch Saboteur Journey to Un'GoroStampede NaxxramasNerub'ar Weblord Whispers of the Old GodsTwilight Summoner LegacyAmani Berserker The WitchwoodPhantom Militia LegacyHunter's Mark United in StormwindPeasant One Night in KarazhanCat Trick Mean Streets of GadgetzanMistress of Mixtures Path of ArthasFrostmourne
United in StormwindRats of Extraordinary Size United in StormwindTwo-Faced Investor Forged in the BarrensKargal Battlescar United in StormwindStockades Guard Scholomance AcademyOverwhelm The Boomsday ProjectZilliax Journey to Un'GoroBlazecaller Whispers of the Old GodsSkeram Cultist Madness at the Darkmoon FaireFelfire Deadeye Saviors of UldumSerpent Egg Scholomance AcademyCrimson Hothead Madness at the Darkmoon FairePrize Vendor The WitchwoodDollmaster Dorian Forged in the BarrensSunscale Raptor Madness at the Darkmoon FaireShowstopper Kobolds & CatacombsCarnivorous Cube Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCostumed Entertainer Journey to Un'GoroStonehill Defender LegacyLeper Gnome Goblins vs GnomesAnnoy-o-Tron Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDancing Cobra Saviors of UldumMurmy Knights of the Frozen ThroneThe Lich King
United in StormwindTwo-Faced Investor Murder at Castle NathriaCrooked Cook Rise of ShadowsShimmerfly LegacyCairne Bloodhoof Rise of ShadowsChef Nomi Whispers of the Old GodsTwin Emperor Vek'lor NaxxramasHaunted Creeper Scholomance AcademySneaky Delinquent Descent of DragonsEvasive Feywing LegacyAcolyte of Pain Descent of DragonsFaceless Corruptor Murder at Castle NathriaCastle Kennels Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDeathwarden NaxxramasSludge Belcher Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCrabrider Scholomance AcademyCrimson Hothead Rise of ShadowsRapid Fire Scholomance AcademyCult Neophyte Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDon't Feed the Animals Rise of ShadowsPotion Vendor The League of ExplorersArch-Thief Rafaam
United in StormwindCheesemonger United in StormwindDeeprun Engineer Rastakhan's RumbleSpringpaw Descent of DragonsEvasive Wyrm Rastakhan's RumbleCrowd Roaster Whispers of the Old GodsDoomcaller NaxxramasMad Scientist Murder at Castle NathriaVolatile Skeleton Descent of DragonsFrizz Kindleroost Scholomance AcademyVoracious Reader LegacyFaceless Manipulator Murder at Castle NathriaFrenzied Fangs LegacyIronbeak Owl NaxxramasEchoing Ooze LegacyDefender of Argus Madness at the Darkmoon FaireResizing Pouch LegacyKnife Juggler Fractured in Alterac ValleyDun Baldar Bunker Scholomance AcademyTour Guide Whispers of the Old GodsBlood of The Ancient One
United in StormwindGuild Trader Forged in the BarrensHecklefang Hyena NaxxramasWebspinner Saviors of UldumKhartut Defender Whispers of the Old GodsHogger, Doom of Elwynn Whispers of the Old GodsC'Thun NaxxramasNerubian Egg Forged in the BarrensDevouring Ectoplasm LegacyTwilight Drake LegacyAzure Drake Scholomance AcademyHeadmaster Kel'Thuzad Galakrond's AwakeningFresh Scent Knights of the Frozen ThroneMindbreaker The Grand TournamentFlame Juggler Rise of ShadowsHecklebot Scholomance AcademyTour Guide LegacyLoot Hoarder LegacyExplosive Trap LegacyWorgen Infiltrator Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Rabbit
United in StormwindRoyal Librarian United in StormwindMailbox Dancer Scholomance AcademyWolpertinger Descent of DragonsEvasive Drakonid Scholomance AcademyKeymaster Alabaster Ashes of OutlandPack Tactics Fractured in Alterac ValleyPiggyback Imp The Grand TournamentTwilight Guardian Descent of DragonsBig Ol' Whelp The WitchwoodAzalina Soulthief Forged in the BarrensProspector's Caravan Scholomance AcademyRobes of Protection Madness at the Darkmoon FaireParade Leader Whispers of the Old GodsInfested Tauren Scholomance AcademyWolpertinger NaxxramasNerub'ar Weblord LegacyFreezing Trap NaxxramasZombie Chow
Murder at Castle NathriaMaze Guide Forged in the BarrensWound Prey Forged in the BarrensMutanus the Devourer Descent of DragonsShu'ma Ashes of OutlandAugmented Porcupine Fractured in Alterac ValleyPopsicooler LegacyAzure Drake Scholomance AcademyLorekeeper Polkelt Scholomance AcademyKeymaster Alabaster Ashes of OutlandScavenger's Ingenuity LegacyTinkmaster Overspark Forged in the BarrensPeon The WitchwoodRotten Applebaum Forged in the BarrensWound Prey Madness at the Darkmoon FaireParade Leader Journey to Un'GoroGrievous Bite LegacyAmani Berserker
Fractured in Alterac ValleyRam Commander Goblins vs GnomesCall Pet Saviors of UldumSiamat Saviors of UldumSiamat Forged in the BarrensBarrens Trapper Ashes of OutlandTeron Gorefiend Descent of DragonsBig Ol' Whelp One Night in KarazhanPrince Malchezaar Blackrock MountainChromaggus The WitchwoodDire Frenzy Whispers of the Old GodsEater of Secrets Scholomance AcademySneaky Delinquent NaxxramasSludge Belcher Fractured in Alterac ValleyBloodseeker LegacyPint-Sized Summoner Fractured in Alterac ValleyIce Trap Goblins vs GnomesAnnoy-o-Tron
Murder at Castle NathriaSketchy Stranger Cracklong Razormaw Murder at Castle NathriaSinfueled Golem Kobolds & CatacombsSilver Vanguard Scholomance AcademyBloated Python Fractured in Alterac ValleyKorrak the Bloodrager Blackrock MountainBlackwing Corruptor Saviors of UldumOctosari Blackrock MountainNefarian Forged in the BarrensWarsong Wrangler LegacySpellbreaker The Grand TournamentArgent Horserider Scholomance AcademySmug Senior Madness at the Darkmoon FaireBola Shot Fractured in Alterac ValleyRam Commander NaxxramasMad Scientist LegacyBloodmage Thalnos
Forged in the BarrensTalented Arcanist Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDancing Cobra Madness at the Darkmoon FaireStrongman Rise of ShadowsBatterhead Rise of ShadowsNine Lives Goblins vs GnomesPiloted Shredder Knights of the Frozen ThroneCobalt Scalebane Descent of DragonsSathrovarr Murder at Castle NathriaHuntsman Altimor Descent of DragonsKobold Stickyfinger Rastakhan's RumbleBanana Buffoon Rastakhan's RumbleAmani War Bear Madness at the Darkmoon FaireFelfire Deadeye Scholomance AcademySneaky Delinquent LegacyMisdirection Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCostumed Entertainer
Scholomance AcademyWandmaker LegacyDire Wolf Alpha Saviors of UldumWrapped Golem LegacyGruul Journey to Un'GoroTerrorscale Stalker Kobolds & CatacombsCarnivorous Cube Descent of DragonsCobalt Spellkin NaxxramasLoatheb LegacyWolfrider Ashes of OutlandBonechewer Vanguard Fractured in Alterac ValleyFurious Howl The WitchwoodVicious Scalehide Murder at Castle NathriaMotion Denied Scholomance AcademyCult Neophyte
LegacyYouthful Brewmaster Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDon't Feed the Animals Fractured in Alterac ValleyAbominable Lieutenant Rise of ShadowsJepetto Joybuzz Ashes of OutlandZixor, Apex Predator NaxxramasFeugen Rastakhan's RumbleDragonmaw Scorcher Madness at the Darkmoon FaireMoonfang Galakrond's AwakeningFrenzied Felwing Knights of the Frozen ThroneBonemare The Grand TournamentGarrison Commander Scholomance AcademyWandmaker Madness at the Darkmoon FaireOpen the Cages LegacyDire Wolf Alpha
Murder at Castle NathriaAshen Elemental Galakrond's AwakeningFresh Scent United in StormwindGoliath, Sneed's Masterpiece NaxxramasKel'Thuzad Scholomance AcademyFishy Flyer The WitchwoodRotten Applebaum Fractured in Alterac ValleyOnyxian Warder Knights of the Frozen ThroneSkulking Geist The WitchwoodLifedrinker Knights of the Frozen ThroneThe Lich King Goblins vs GnomesGlaivezooka Forged in the BarrensBarrens Trapper Saviors of UldumPressure Plate NaxxramasEchoing Ooze
Rastakhan's RumbleBanana Buffoon Forged in the BarrensHecklefang Hyena Rise of ShadowsJepetto Joybuzz One Night in KarazhanMedivh, the Guardian Ashes of OutlandMok'Nathal Lion Murder at Castle NathriaSinrunner Knights of the Frozen ThroneBone Drake LegacyThe Black Knight Kobolds & CatacombsFungalmancer Whispers of the Old GodsSoggoth the Slitherer Ashes of OutlandImprisoned Felmaw Forged in the BarrensDeath's Head Cultist The WitchwoodRat Trap LegacyFaerie Dragon
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireBanana Vendor Forged in the BarrensOasis Thrasher United in StormwindMo'arg Forgefiend Scholomance AcademyPlagued Protodrake United in StormwindMonstrous Parrot NaxxramasSludge Belcher One Night in KarazhanBook Wyrm LegacyLeeroy Jenkins Ashes of OutlandScrapyard Colossus LegacyKnife Juggler Scholomance AcademyEducated Elekk LegacySnake Trap Knights of the Frozen ThroneFallen Sun Cleric
Kobolds & CatacombsBoisterous Bard Descent of DragonsPhase Stalker Voyage to the Sunken CityOzumat LegacyRagnaros the Firelord Kobolds & CatacombsCarnivorous Cube NaxxramasStalagg Blackrock MountainDrakonid Crusher NaxxramasLoatheb Descent of DragonsPhase Stalker United in StormwindEnthusiastic Banker LegacySnipe The Grand TournamentFlame Juggler
Fractured in Alterac ValleyBunker Sergeant Ashes of OutlandScavenger's Ingenuity Forged in the BarrensPrimordial Protector Whispers of the Old GodsThe Boogeymonster Knights of the Frozen ThroneCorpse Widow Scholomance AcademyVectus Descent of DragonsEvasive Wyrm Knights of the Frozen ThroneBonemare Forged in the BarrensProspector's Caravan United in StormwindNorthshire Farmer Murder at Castle NathriaSpirit Poacher The Grand TournamentGarrison Commander
Knights of the Frozen ThroneDeathspeaker LegacyScavenging Hyena United in StormwindVarian, King of Stormwind Knights of the Frozen ThroneThe Lich King NaxxramasFeugen Murder at Castle NathriaBog Beast Scholomance AcademyOnyx Magescribe Goblins vs GnomesDr. Boom Blackrock MountainQuick Shot United in StormwindPandaren Importer Knights of the Frozen ThroneVenomstrike Trap NaxxramasHaunted Creeper
Murder at Castle NathriaDinner Performer CoreSelective Breeder CoreAlexstrasza the Life-Binder United in StormwindVarian, King of Stormwind NaxxramasSludge Belcher Knights of the Frozen ThroneBone Drake Mean Streets of GadgetzanWrathion Madness at the Darkmoon FaireSilas Darkmoon Goblins vs GnomesSteamwheedle Sniper Ashes of OutlandTeron Gorefiend Kobolds & CatacombsWandering Monster Madness at the Darkmoon FaireHorrendous Growth
Murder at Castle NathriaForensic Duster The WitchwoodRat Trap Saviors of UldumAnubisath Warbringer Kobolds & CatacombsDragonhatcher NaxxramasStalagg LegacyCairne Bloodhoof The Grand TournamentChillmaw LegacyRagnaros the Firelord Forged in the BarrensTame Beast (Rank 1) United in StormwindTraveling Merchant One Night in KarazhanCloaked Huntress LegacyKnife Juggler
Ashes of OutlandFrozen Shadoweaver LegacySnake Trap Murder at Castle NathriaInsatiable Devourer LegacyMalygos The WitchwoodWitchwood Grizzly Saviors of UldumKhartut Defender Rastakhan's RumbleCrowd Roaster LegacyAnimal Companion Forged in the BarrensVenomous Scorpid LegacyEaglehorn Bow LegacyLoot Hoarder
Kobolds & CatacombsFungal Enchanter LegacyAnimal Companion Madness at the Darkmoon FaireN'Zoth, God of the Deep Kobolds & CatacombsMaster Oakheart LegacySavannah Highmane Fractured in Alterac ValleyLegionnaire CoreNozdormu the Eternal Mean Streets of GadgetzanAuctionmaster Beardo Scholomance AcademyVoracious Reader Madness at the Darkmoon FaireInconspicuous Rider LegacyMad Bomber
Forged in the BarrensHorde Operative Ashes of OutlandAugmented Porcupine Saviors of UldumColossus of the Moon Madness at the Darkmoon FaireRunaway Blackwing Kobolds & CatacombsSeeping Oozeling Murder at Castle NathriaMasked Reveler Fractured in Alterac ValleyKazakusan Knights of the Frozen ThroneBearshark Madness at the Darkmoon FairePetting Zoo Scholomance AcademyManafeeder Panthara
LegacyKing Mukla Knights of the Frozen ThroneBearshark United in StormwindGoldshire Gnoll Whispers of the Old GodsSoggoth the Slitherer LegacySylvanas Windrunner The Boomsday ProjectMechanical Whelp Scholomance AcademyPlagued Protodrake Kobolds & CatacombsCave Hydra Murder at Castle NathriaStag Charge NaxxramasNerubian Egg
Kobolds & CatacombsKobold Apprentice Descent of DragonsDiving Gryphon Fractured in Alterac ValleyLokholar the Ice Lord Saviors of UldumColossus of the Moon Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Tonk LegacySylvanas Windrunner Journey to Un'GoroPrimordial Drake Fractured in Alterac ValleyDragonbane Shot Murder at Castle NathriaWild Spirits LegacyNovice Engineer
Forged in the BarrensMankrik LegacyKill Command Whispers of the Old GodsN'Zoth, the Corruptor Whispers of the Old GodsDeathwing, Dragonlord Madness at the Darkmoon FaireJewel of N'Zoth The Grand TournamentChillmaw Descent of DragonsTwin Tyrant LegacyEaglehorn Bow Madness at the Darkmoon FaireRinling's Rifle Kobolds & CatacombsPlated Beetle
United in StormwindPandaren Importer Forged in the BarrensKolkar Pack Runner Voyage to the Sunken CityNeptulon the Tidehunter Whispers of the Old GodsN'Zoth, the Corruptor Kobolds & CatacombsKathrena Winterwisp Fractured in Alterac ValleyHumongous Owl LegacyAlexstrasza LegacyKill Command Fractured in Alterac ValleySpring the Trap Scholomance AcademySneaky Delinquent
Voyage to the Sunken CitySnapdragon Rastakhan's RumbleMaster's Call Fractured in Alterac ValleyRaid Boss Onyxia LegacySea Giant Saviors of UldumOctosari Scholomance AcademyPlagued Protodrake CoreAlexstrasza the Life-Binder Forged in the BarrensKolkar Pack Runner Murder at Castle NathriaAra'lon Scholomance AcademyTransfer Student
Forged in the BarrensVenomous Scorpid Saviors of UldumRamkahen Wildtamer Ashes of OutlandScrapyard Colossus One Night in KarazhanArcane Giant Scholomance AcademyPlagued Protodrake Kobolds & CatacombsViolet Wurm Kobolds & CatacombsDragonhatcher Forged in the BarrensPack Kodo Kobolds & CatacombsLesser Emerald Spellstone Scholomance AcademyWandmaker
Kobolds & CatacombsVoid Ripper Madness at the Darkmoon FaireSaddlemaster Murder at Castle NathriaStoneborn General LegacyMountain Giant LegacyKing Krush Whispers of the Old GodsN'Zoth, the Corruptor CoreMalygos the Spellweaver LegacyUnleash the Hounds Murder at Castle NathriaShadehound LegacyAcolyte of Pain
Kobolds & CatacombsZola the Gorgon Rastakhan's RumbleSpirit of the Lynx Whispers of the Old GodsYogg-Saron, Hope's End Whispers of the Old GodsN'Zoth, the Corruptor Murder at Castle NathriaStoneborn General Blackrock MountainNefarian LegacyWolfrider The Boomsday ProjectSubject 9 The Grand TournamentArgent Horserider
Ashes of OutlandBurrowing Scorpid Forged in the BarrensTavish Stormpike Madness at the Darkmoon FaireYogg-Saron, Master of Fate LegacyOnyxia Descent of DragonsDragonbane Madness at the Darkmoon FaireTrampling Rhino LegacyColdlight Oracle
Scholomance AcademyLorekeeper Polkelt LegacyUnleash the Hounds Whispers of the Old GodsY'Shaarj, Rage Unbound CoreOnyxia the Broodmother The WitchwoodLifedrinker Murder at Castle NathriaDefense Attorney Nathanos NaxxramasDancing Swords
Knights of the Frozen ThroneSaronite Chain Gang Forged in the BarrensVenomous Scorpid Kobolds & CatacombsSleepy Dragon Forged in the BarrensPiercing Shot NaxxramasDeathlord
Kobolds & CatacombsShroom Brewer Ashes of OutlandZixor, Apex Predator LegacyYsera Ashes of OutlandScrap Shot Knights of the Frozen ThroneDeathspeaker
Forged in the BarrensSouthsea Scoundrel The WitchwoodDire Frenzy CoreYsera the Dreamer Forged in the BarrensSin'dorei Scentfinder Knights of the Frozen ThroneHappy Ghoul
United in StormwindSpice Bread Baker Kobolds & CatacombsFlanking Strike CoreDeathwing the Destroyer Forged in the BarrensVenomstrike Bow Goblins vs GnomesHobgoblin
Murder at Castle NathriaTheotar, the Mad Duke LegacyHoundmaster Whispers of the Old GodsDeathwing, Dragonlord Ashes of OutlandAl'ar NaxxramasShade of Naxxramas
Fractured in Alterac ValleyTower Sergeant Scholomance AcademyKrolusk Barkstripper Fractured in Alterac ValleyRaid Boss Onyxia Rastakhan's RumbleBaited Arrow Scholomance AcademyVoracious Reader
Descent of DragonsTroll Batrider Ashes of OutlandScrap Shot Forged in the BarrensBarak Kodobane Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCircus Medic
Goblins vs GnomesAntique Healbot Fractured in Alterac ValleyStormpike Battle Ram Goblins vs GnomesCobra Shot Madness at the Darkmoon FaireFantastic Firebird
Goblins vs GnomesBomb Lobber Goblins vs GnomesKing of Beasts LegacyLeeroy Jenkins Madness at the Darkmoon FaireKnife Vendor
Murder at Castle NathriaFamished Fool Scholomance AcademyLake Thresher Madness at the Darkmoon FaireTrampling Rhino
Kobolds & CatacombsFungalmancer Scholomance AcademyTeacher's Pet LegacyTundra Rhino
Kobolds & CatacombsFurbolg Mossbinder Madness at the Darkmoon FaireTrampling Rhino Madness at the Darkmoon FaireMaxima Blastenheimer
Fractured in Alterac ValleyKnight-Captain LegacySavannah Highmane Saviors of UldumSwarm of Locusts
Forged in the BarrensShadow Hunter Vol'jin Goblins vs GnomesGahz'rilla Saviors of UldumWild Bloodstinger
Murder at Castle NathriaSoul Seeker Fractured in Alterac ValleyMountain Bear Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Tonk
Fractured in Alterac ValleySpammy Arcanist Whispers of the Old GodsCall of the Wild Journey to Un'GoroSwamp King Dred
Scholomance AcademySteward of Scrolls Scholomance AcademyGuardian Animals Whispers of the Old GodsCall of the Wild
Murder at Castle NathriaStoneborn Accuser LegacyKing Krush Kobolds & CatacombsKathrena Winterwisp
United in StormwindStormwind Guard Fractured in Alterac ValleyWing Commander Ichman LegacyKing Krush
United in StormwindCity Architect Ashes of OutlandNagrand Slam
United in StormwindLady Prestor
Whispers of the Old GodsMukla, Tyrant of the Vale
Murder at Castle NathriaSylvanas, the Accused
United in StormwindGoliath, Sneed's Masterpiece
United in StormwindMaddest Bomber
Murder at Castle NathriaParty Crasher
Forged in the BarrensPrimordial Protector
Whispers of the Old GodsYogg-Saron, Hope's End

Group Learning

0-1 Mana 2 Mana 3 Mana 4 Mana 5 Mana 6 Mana 7+ Mana
LegacyAbusive Sergeant LegacyAcidic Swamp Ooze LegacyAnimal Companion LegacyChillwind Yeti Forged in the BarrensBarak Kodobane LegacyArgent Commander LegacyBarrens Stablehand
Scholomance AcademyAdorable Infestation LegacyAmani Berserker LegacyArcane Golem Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCircus Amalgam Kobolds & CatacombsCarnivorous Cube Madness at the Darkmoon FaireClaw Machine Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Tonk
Scholomance AcademyAnimated Broomstick Madness at the Darkmoon FaireBola Shot Scholomance AcademyBloated Python Scholomance AcademyCrimson Hothead LegacyExplosive Shot Madness at the Darkmoon FaireMaxima Blastenheimer Saviors of UldumDinotamer Brann
LegacyArcane Shot One Night in KarazhanCat Trick One Night in KarazhanCloaked Huntress LegacyCult Master LegacyFaceless Manipulator Whispers of the Old GodsNerubian Prophet LegacyGladiator's Longbow
LegacyArgent Squire Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCostumed Entertainer Forged in the BarrensCrossroads Gossiper LegacyDefender of Argus Scholomance AcademyLake Thresher Scholomance AcademyOnyx Magescribe LegacyStormwind Champion
LegacyBestial Wrath Journey to Un'GoroCrackling Razormaw Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Dirigible The WitchwoodDire Frenzy NaxxramasLoatheb LegacySavannah Highmane Journey to Un'GoroVolcanosaur
Kobolds & CatacombsCandleshot Scholomance AcademyCult Neophyte LegacyDeadly Shot Scholomance AcademyDivine Rager Scholomance AcademyLorekeeper Polkelt Scholomance AcademySmug Senior Whispers of the Old GodsCall of the Wild
Goblins vs GnomesClockwork Gnome United in StormwindDeeprun Engineer Journey to Un'GoroDevilsaur Egg Journey to Un'GoroFire Plume Phoenix Journey to Un'GoroNesting Roc LegacySunwalker Madness at the Darkmoon FaireJewel of N'Zoth
Scholomance AcademyDemon Companion LegacyDire Wolf Alpha Kobolds & CatacombsDragonslayer Scholomance AcademyFishy Flyer Scholomance AcademyOgremancer Scholomance AcademyPlagued Protodrake
Whispers of the Old GodsFiery Bat LegacyExplosive Trap LegacyEaglehorn Bow Kobolds & CatacombsFlanking Strike Madness at the Darkmoon FaireOptimistic Ogre Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCarnival Clown
LegacyFlare LegacyFaerie Dragon LegacyEarthen Ring Farseer LegacyHoundmaster LegacySilver Hand Knight LegacyKing Krush
Journey to Un'GoroGlacial Shard Forged in the BarrensFar Watch Post Journey to Un'GoroGiant Wasp Whispers of the Old GodsInfested Wolf NaxxramasSpectral Knight LegacySea Giant
LegacyHungry Crab Madness at the Darkmoon FaireFelfire Deadeye Saviors of UldumGolden Scarab Forged in the BarrensInjured Marauder LegacyStampeding Kodo Whispers of the Old GodsY'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
LegacyHunter's Mark LegacyFreezing Trap LegacyHarvest Golem Madness at the Darkmoon FaireKnife Vendor Scholomance AcademySteward of Scrolls
Scholomance AcademyIntrepid Initiate Journey to Un'GoroGrievous Bite Forged in the BarrensHog Rancher Scholomance AcademyKrolusk Barkstripper CoreTaelan Fordring
Journey to Un'GoroJeweled Macaw Rastakhan's RumbleHeadhunter's Hatchet Forged in the BarrensHorde Operative Goblins vs GnomesMechanical Yeti Scholomance AcademyTeacher's Pet
LegacyLeper Gnome Saviors of UldumInjured Tol'vir Madness at the Darkmoon FaireInconspicuous Rider LegacyMulti-Shot United in StormwindThe Rat King
The Grand TournamentLock and Load One Night in KarazhanKindly Grandmother LegacyIronbeak Owl Forged in the BarrensPiercing Shot Madness at the Darkmoon FaireTrampling Rhino
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireMystery Winner LegacyKnife Juggler LegacyJungle Panther Whispers of the Old GodsPolluted Hoarder LegacyTundra Rhino
Whispers of the Old GodsOn the Hunt LegacyLoot Hoarder LegacyKill Command Madness at the Darkmoon FaireRinling's Rifle
Scholomance AcademyOverwhelm LegacyMad Bomber Forged in the BarrensPack Kodo Forged in the BarrensSouthsea Scoundrel
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireResizing Pouch NaxxramasMad Scientist Madness at the Darkmoon FairePetting Zoo Forged in the BarrensWarsong Wrangler
LegacySecretkeeper Scholomance AcademyManafeeder Panthara Journey to Un'GoroPterrordax Hatchling Scholomance AcademyWretched Tutor
LegacySouthsea Deckhand LegacyMisdirection Madness at the Darkmoon FaireSaddlemaster
Scholomance AcademyTour Guide Forged in the BarrensOasis Thrasher LegacyShattered Sun Cleric
LegacyTracking Madness at the Darkmoon FaireOpen the Cages Forged in the BarrensSunwell Initiate
Scholomance AcademyTrueaim Crescent Madness at the Darkmoon FaireParade Leader Journey to Un'GoroTar Creeper
NaxxramasWebspinner Forged in the BarrensPeon Journey to Un'GoroTerrorscale Stalker
Scholomance AcademyWolpertinger Kobolds & CatacombsPlated Beetle LegacyUnleash the Hounds
LegacyWorgen Infiltrator Saviors of UldumPressure Plate Forged in the BarrensVenomous Scorpid
Madness at the Darkmoon FairePrize Vendor Scholomance AcademyVoracious Reader
Forged in the BarrensProspector's Caravan
Blackrock MountainQuick Shot
LegacyScavenging Hyena
CoreSelective Breeder
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireShowstopper
LegacySnake Trap
Scholomance AcademySneaky Delinquent
LegacySunfury Protector
Kobolds & CatacombsWandering Monster
Scholomance AcademyWandmaker
LegacyWild Pyromancer
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireWriggling Horror


Kobolds & CatacombsDire Mole
LegacyGrimscale Oracle
LegacyMurloc Tidecaller
United in StormwindDeeprun Engineer
LegacyDire Wolf Alpha
LegacyFaerie Dragon
NaxxramasHaunted Creeper
Goblins vs GnomesMechwarper
Descent of DragonsParachute Brigand
Journey to Un'GoroRockpool Hunter
The Boomsday ProjectUpgradeable Framebot
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Dirigible
LegacyMurloc Warleader
The WitchwoodNightmare Amalgam
The Boomsday ProjectSN1P-SN4P
LegacySouthsea Captain
One Night in KarazhanZoobot
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireCircus Amalgam
Galakrond's AwakeningEscaped Manasaber
Descent of DragonsEvasive Feywing
Scholomance AcademyFishy Flyer
Goblins vs GnomesPiloted Shredder
Forged in the BarrensSouthsea Scoundrel
Knights of the Frozen ThroneCobalt Scalebane
Mean Streets of GadgetzanFinja, the Flying Star
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireFleethoof Pearltusk
Scholomance AcademyLake Thresher
One Night in KarazhanMenagerie Magician
Goblins vs GnomesMimiron's Head
Descent of DragonsSkyfin
The WitchwoodWitchwood Grizzly
The Boomsday ProjectZilliax
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireClaw Machine
The Boomsday ProjectMechanical Whelp
LegacyBaron Geddon
Saviors of UldumSiamat
One Night in KarazhanThe Curator
Scholomance AcademyPlagued Protodrake
LegacyRagnaros the Firelord
Goblins vs GnomesSneed's Old Shredder
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireN'Zoth, God of the Deep
Madness at the Darkmoon FaireDarkmoon Rabbit


Professor Slate full

Professor Slate, full art

Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events. For more information, see Emote.

Type Emote
Thanks Thank you, thank you.
Well played I'd give you an "A" in field studies!
Greetings Oh, hello there!
Wow Zounds!
Oops Whoops!
Threaten Your academic career will be in tatters!
Attack [1] This one's potent…
Attack [2] Would you look at that!
Attack [3] So fresh! So strong!
Concede I must return to the field.
Opening remark Oh hey, are you a new professor?
Mirror start It sure feels like I'm one of the old ones!
Opening remark vs Star Student Stelina My work can't be grasped by undergrads!
Opening remark vs Forest Warden Omu Hm… did you bring any mushrooms for me, Omu?
Opening remark vs Mozaki, Master Duelist I didn't realize YOU were interested in research!
Opening remark vs Turalyon, the Tenured I get to fight the great Turalyon? How invigorating!
Opening remark vs Mindrender Illucia Ah, I've wanted to show you my latest research!
Opening remark vs Infiltrator Lilian Ah, are you new here?
Opening remark vs Instructor Fireheart Sorry to fight you, but the headmaster requires it!
Opening remark vs Archwitch Willow What was it you're working on again?
Opening remark vs Rattlegore Who let this monstrosity in?!
Running out of time I'm low on time.
Almost out of cards Not many cards left.
Out of cards Fresh out of cards!
Error: Too many minions Things need room to grow!
Error: Generic Oh no, no, no.
Selection in Duels What? Yes! Hello!


Type Emote
Opening vs. Headmaster Kel'Thuzad I'm ready for my review, Headmaster!
Welcome Lifelong learners are welcome here.


See Professor Slate.

Patch changes

Playable heroes
Wizard Duels
Icon Demon Hunter 32 Icon Druid 32 Icon Hunter 32 Icon Mage 32 Icon Paladin 32 Icon Priest 32 Icon Rogue 32 Icon Shaman 32 Icon Warlock 32 Icon Warrior 32
StarStudentStelina 64
ForestWardenOmu 64
ProfessorSlate 64
MozakiMasterDuelist 64
TuralyontheTenured 64
MindrenderIllucia 64
InfiltratorLilian 64
InstructorFireheart 64
Archwitch Willow 64
Rattlegore 64
Alterac Valley
Icon Demon Hunter 32 Icon Hunter 32 Icon Paladin 32 Icon Priest 32 Icon Rogue 32 Icon Neutral 32 Icon Druid 32 Icon Mage 32 Icon Shaman 32 Icon Warlock 32 Icon Warrior 32 Icon Neutral 32
VanndarStormpikeDuels 64
DrekThar 64
The League of Explorers
Icon Hunter 32 Icon Warrior 32 Icon Druid 32 Icon Priest 32 Icon Paladin 32 Icon Shaman 32 Icon Mage 32 Icon Rogue 32
BrannBronzebeard 64
EliseStarseekerDuels 64
SirFinley 64
RenoJackson 64
Monster Hunt
Icon Warrior 32
Darius 64
Death Knights
Icon Death Knight 32 Icon Death Knight 32
Sai Shadestorm 64
Scarlet Leafdancer 64
Limited-time Heroes
Icon Warlock 32 Icon Warrior 32
Diablo 64