Hearthstone Wiki

The introduction movie for Hearthstone was first shown with the announcement of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft at PAX East 2013. Additionally there have been 14 more movie cinematics for Hearthstone's expansion & adventure card sets with Rastakhan’s Rumble cinematic being the latest.



Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cinematic:

Hero SkinsThrall: It is said that wars are only won upon the anvil of Honor.

Hero SkinsJaina Proudmoore: Others believe victory requires strategy and a mastery of power.

Hero SkinsIllidan Stormrage: War is deception a game played best from the shadows.

Hero SkinsGarrosh Hellscream: Only strength and raw power can assure total dominance.

Harth Stonebrew: But of course you could forget all that and just have fun.

Harth Stonebrew: Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.


  • James McCoy directed the original Hearthstone cinematic
  • Jeramiah Johnson directed Hearthstone cinematics including those for Curse of Naxxramas, Goblins vs Gnomes, Blackrock Mountain and The Grand Tournament.