Hearthstone Wiki
This content is only for Battlegrounds.
A Tale of Kings
Passive\nWhenever you buy a minion of\na specific type, give it +2/+2.\nSwaps type each turn.
External links

Data page

For The Dalaran Heist boss hero power, see Rise of ShadowsA Tale of Kings.

A Tale of Kings is a hero power of The Rat King in the Battlegrounds game mode, used to represent the hero powers of The Rat King when the player views this hero. It is not available in gameplay.


Card not found

Swapped hero powers

At the start of the player's first turn A Tale of Kings changes into one of the following hero powers: Card not found Card not found Card not found Card not found Card not found Card not found Card not found


A Tale of Kings full

A Tale of Kings, full art

Patch changes
